Benefits Of Genuine Leather Handbags
We all know that bags are vital accessory for both women and man. Owning a quality bag will tell to other people more about your fashion and personality than any other accessory. While some people tend to purchase bag based on fashion trend, others choose the specific type based on its material.
The two most common types of the bag are Sheepskin and Leather bags. We will present you comprehensive perspective on all benefits that you will get by owning leather handbag. It does not matter if you wish to choose pure leather handbags from Adamis or any other model, because you have to understand why leather is first choice for most people.
Finally, you will have ideal insight on what is the best choice for you so that you can make a quality purchase.
Leather Handbags
As you can see from its name, a leather bag is the type of bag that uses processed animal skin as the main material. The most common animals that manufacturers hunt and use skin are cow, goat, pig and buffalo.
Even though leather skins can have various types such as hide leather, Nappa leather, suede, nubuck and many more. Most brands produce more leather bags than any other type. Some of them reach the price more than ten grand, which means that they are popular, but the question is what are benefits and downsides of Leather bags.
To understand the processing of leather, you should click here.
Advantages Of Leather Handbags:
- Durability – The first and main reason why you should use leather handbags is that it features wide array of natural and durable materials, which is why it responds well to daily tear and wear. It is one of the most durable materials available on the market, which means that when you purchase it you will be able to use it for years, even decades if you treat it well. Leather handbags require significant t investment, but it will prove useful because they feature neutral colors and timeless design. It is way better solution to choose leather than buying other type of material that will wear off and become outdated from fashion. If you want to choose man-made and natural leather, the best choice that you can find is faux leather, which is perfect solution that will stand the test of time.
- Versatility – When we compare leather with other materials such as canvas or suede, which you can wear only in certain weather conditions, leather handbags are versatile and you will be able to use them for various occasion and match it with numerous styles. You will be able to wear it in rain or sun, or other occasions. You can consider perforated designs, while traditional leather is great choice for every season. When you have in mind that manufacturers use leather for wide array of things from home furniture to handbags, you will notice that it is great material with outstanding quality. Check this website: to learn more on faux leather.
- Personality – When you come to aloof, powerful and seductive leather, you will enjoy its personality. Due to perfect appeal, leather features special place among different fashion styles and garments, and in most cases wearers that use it have strong sense of personal style. From zipped handbags, to more avant-garde types, you will be able to increase the strength of your character, which will increase your power and increase overall enjoyment.
- Time And Wear – Leather is more beautiful as time goes by, which means that every aspect of leather will provide you different set of personality. Every single stretch and mark of time will leave the story to your handbag and increase its appeal as well as personal history. As leather ages, it will become prettier and prettier, of course, if you treat it appropriately. Even though we should consider the nourishment as mandatory especially if you want to leave the natural look, but have in mind that it has to pass through some natural processes. In most cases, it will darken with age, but under certain conditions, it can also become lighter than before. It depends whether you are on bright lights and sun for a long time. Dyed leather will lose color and become lighter as time goes by. On the other hand, naturally tanned leather will darken after contact with exterior factors.
Difference Between Artificial and Natural Leather
The advantages of using animal, natural leather started three thousand years ago when men decided that it is better to use leather as the form of clothing than other thing around him.
Nowadays, leather doesn’t feature the same survival role, but it is also one of the most popular materials, due to good insulating capacity, aesthetic qualities and immersive resistance to wear and tear.
Artificial leather is common choice for animal lovers, and you can find more about it by checking here.
Other materials that people use, which are here to imitate leather become common in latest years because it is way cheaper solution when compared with natural leather. However, most artificial materials do not have the same amount of durability, and it will wear off in a while without any additional problem.
When it comes to artificial leather, the most popular one nowadays is Vegan Leather. You are probably wondering what is it, and the simplest answer is that you can find combination of faux, vegan and plastic leather, which is used by people who do not want to harm animals and use their products.
Even though they will not provide you the same sense of fashion and durability, they are popular due to affordable price tag and similar features. Apart from these materials we mentioned above, other eco-materials became popular too such as PVC, polyurethane and textile-polymer microfibers in artificial leather.
Visit this link: so that you can get more information on difference between PU and PVC handbags.
You probably think that artificial leather has positive impact on animal kingdom, but it can be dangerous for humans, especially because it features non-biodegradable plastic-based waste. New materials are not so bad for environment, but you will not be able to find them easily.
At the same time, the quality of artificial leather cannot compare with natural leather. On the other hand, you should have in mind that artificial leathers feature plastic coating, which makes it waterproof. If you know that natural leather absorbs water, you can check whether it is real leather by putting small amount of water and wait for absorption.