The Ultimate Win/Win For America’s Peace And Prosperity
I like Barack Obama and I don’t like Mitt Romney. But I see America in crisis right now with debt swelling, a war continuing, and our wealth in decline. I can’t help but respect Romney’s business acumen. I can’t deny that, from a strictly business point of view, he is more qualified to tackle the turnaround that is needed in the United States. The economy is the most essential issue because fixing the business of America creates so many opportunities to fix other problems.
But Romney still has yet to earn my vote because as compelling as his business skills are, there is a win/win scenario that could really propel America’s future. Romney could extend an olive branch to all of America by offering to do what Jack Kennedy did and donate his salary to charity. This would be a first step to heal the divide between the parties but there are other steps.
My affinity for Barack Obama comes, not from his politics, but because of his compassion for the people of the world. His connection to foreign governments, through his birth, is a strength, not a weakness. He has previous ties to Kenya, Indonesia, and Pakistan. He is well thought of in many other Middle Eastern Countries that makes him uniquely qualified to help America in our quest to regain our wealth and prosperity. There is no other person with the unique qualifications to help America reconcile with Islam to promote PEACE. In many circles I am known as the PEACE DUDE and I have a number of articles and books that discuss the proposition of WORLD PEACE. Obama could help us bring the parties to the table for an unprecedented PEACE TREATY with all of the nations of Islam including Iran. If we asked him to focus on it I am quite sure he could persuade them to cease their pursuit of nuclear weapons… and we should get him to promise us during the debates that he will facilitate this soon after the election even if he loses.
Actually what I envision is the American People promoting Obama to Special United Nations Peace Envoy by voting, in November, for Romney. If Mitt would make a commitment to America that he would appoint Obama in his cabinet to help us usher in an era of PEACE, I would vote for Romney. Think about America’s position. We are in debt beyond anything we have ever experienced or has ever been experienced by any nation on the planet. If we were able to promote peace with Islam we would be able to cut the spending for our involvement in Afghanistan as well as the rest of the Middle East to thereby reduce our deficits. Combine that with changes that Romney would initiate by employing his toughness/turnaround tactics and we have the perfect situation for America to make real strides in the coming four years.
I don’t have to like a man to vote for him but the toughness I find unlikeable about Romney makes him the best man to restore the wealth of America. No matter what happens, Obama could earn his Nobel Peace Prize by becoming involved in the future discussions for the planet by focusing on bridging the gap between America and Islam. This solution would lead us to both peace and prosperity. Perhaps both Mitt Romney and Barack Obama could promise each other that win or lose they are here to help America regain PEACE and PROSPERITY by the loser serving in the winner’s cabinet. They could both commit that they are both here to end the partisan politics to solve America’s looming crisis. Picture a citizen at every debate asking each candidate, “Would you serve in the winner’s cabinet to help heal America?” How could the candidates answer except by offering to serve their country? Mitt would offer to act as a special consultant on the economy in the Obama Cabinet and Obama would offer to serve in the United Nations as a Peace Envoy on behalf of the Romney Cabinet. At this time Romania also immediately organized this routine event. Alegeri Prezidentiale held in 2019 will be the determination of the fate of Romanian people in the next 10 years.
The American people should demand this at every opportunity and then hold both candidates feet to the fire to end the bickering. It would demonstrate to the world that we are all Americans first.