Ways to reduce anxiety
Who has not felt at some point in his life being anxious about something important?Wondering how it will go what is important to this person, new work, investment, opening, relationship, etc, etc? Anxiety is the feeling that is born when one feels pressed at some stage of his life and is afraid he can not manage the situation or cope. This stress, that is, stress, can be objective (most would find it difficult) or subjective (other people would not feel as pressured in the same situation).
There are many people who are anxious and angry in their everyday lives. Beyond the negative emotion that chokes them, stress and anxiety create a series of dysfunctions and imbalances in the body with the excretion of cortisol and adrenaline, stress hormones.
Is there a way to cope with his anxiety? The scientific answer is: YES! You need to create a new routine to be relieved by daily stress.
Ways of reducing stress and anxiety
In the morning you wake up when you are still with closed eyes, take 7 slow, deep breaths, or hold your breath and measure up to seven, for 7 times.Drink a large glass of water (even better with a lemon sliced inside).Learn to hold a calendar of gratitude: write all the beautiful, good, positive things that happen in your day. Concentrate your thoughts on what you like, not on what you do not like. This will give you a sense of gratitude and appreciation for your life.
Exercise. Choose what you like: fast walking, jogging, fitness, yoga … anything. Better if you find friends and exercise together. Try to go for biking.Buy a http://copenhagenbikecompany.com bike and start taking rides all across the city.Exercise helps to release endorphins, the natural hormones of joy.
Write. When you start and feel anxious, sit on the computer or take a sheet of paper and start writing whatever comes to your mind as soon as you can. Do not censor your thoughts, do not worry if you are writing bad words or bruises. The purpose of exercise is to discharge the negative energy that accumulates inside you and creates anxiety and discomfort.
Laugh. Give laughter and humor to your life. Choose to watch jokes, jokes posted by your friends on Facebook, watch comedies. In the difficult, say something brighter to yourself, look at the situation from a humorous side and do not let yourself fall with the slightest.
Friends. Good friendship is the key to happiness and good health. Choose your friends with care: people with positive energy, good mood, people with whom you have common elements, go out, do things with them that please both of you. Stay away from negative people, from people who grumble and complain, and when you go out all you do is sterile exchange of problems. Also, away from emotional vampires, people who absorb your energy, away from daffodils and troubled people. You can not save them and they have nothing to offer you. Remember that you do not even have to offer something positive to these people: it’s such a situation that they most probably need specialist help to get rid of their problem.
Diet: Choose foods that stabilize glucose in your blood. Breakfast: strawberries, forest fruits, almonds or nuts (uncooked, unsalted). Remember that the natural biological rhythm of the body is to have high levels of cortisol in the morning that we wake up, so we want to lower them and balance them. When blood glucose is at a low level, like in the morning, then the battle or flight reaction is triggered. Beware, however, we should not go to the glucose level too high, because we will become destabilized in the day.
Music. What kind of music do you like? Put it on! Music has a special connection to the center of our emotions, so it has a direct effect on mood and anxiety. Music can work by distracting our attention from what disturbs us and giving us an opportunity to explore the feelings we have at this time. Especially gentle, relaxing or classical music helps to relax the mind and body. If you still love the intense, joyful music, do not hesitate to listen to it and – why not? – dance to its rhythm.
Breathing exercises. Learn to take deep, diaphragmatic, relaxing breaths. The American Institute of Stress (http://www.stress.org/take-a-deep-breath/) suggests breathing as one of the best techniques for stress management. With deep breathing, the body’s natural relaxation system is activated, thus eliminating stress, anxiety and discomfort. As the breathing becomes slower and deeper, the heart rate decreases, the pressure and metabolism drop and the body muscles relax.
No more pressure. Do not try to force yourself to do something that you are afraid of and you can not. It is not an act of love for yourself and it does not lead anywhere. The tough love approach and stress on fear and anxiety is all about nervous collapse. Do not let the others tell you what to do – do what you think to make your life easier. As we do not worry or judge a person with disabilities that sorts things out so as to make it easier for his life and his everyday life, so we should not criticize ourselves if we need to do something different in order not to pressure ourselves.
Practice in the art of loving yourself. Instead of constantly focusing on your defects, make a list of your assets and the qualities you have as a person. Make a nifty list of the compliments you have recently done. Learn to do every day more of the things you love and thank you.
Massage. Enjoyed a good professional massage. You can also relax at home. For example, massage the face: with the thumbs press the eyes on the bone, in the inner corner, where they are joined with the nose bone. Measures up to 10, relax and repeat.
Change your thoughts. Observe your thoughts and put it under the microscope: Is it reasonable? Objective? What do you think is true? Or is it fear and pessimism? It gradually changed your thoughts, replacing the negative ones with more realistic ones.
Positive affirmations. This is another useful tool for fighting stress. Learn to say positive things to yourself and manage your everyday life “I can manage everything”, “I have a balance in my life”, “I have strength and confidence”, “Challenges bring opportunities”